Wednesday 6 August 2008

Girl Editors

Just had one of the more bizarre meetings (and there have been many) associated with launching the website...
One of the most interesting aspects of launching is the level of freedom we have to be able to create whatever we want.
There are no templates to work to, no targets to hit, and no website to copy. So it's just us and our imaginations. Sometimes that can leave me freewheeling, unable to decide exactly what to do. A bit like when you're faced with 17 different brands of Pesto in the supermarket and all you really want is a Lidl own brand.
Website creativity can be like that - but luckily we have one restriction - time. So we have 7 weeks to launch it, so decisions are made fast and once we're up and running we can reflect on whether they were actually good ones or not. Time will tell I guess.
Anyway, for the time being we have our 'Girl Editor' meeting, where Verena & I decide what roles our chosen girls will take. Some of them Verena knows well and it's easy; some she doesn't and it's a little more difficult to pin titles down.
But we drink some tea, eat a Digestive or two and decide on the following:

Verena Twigg: Top Bitch
Eve Lavelle: Pole-Dancing Editor
Gema Lauren: Agony Aunt
Carly Wightman: Sex Tips Editor
Aaliyha Johnson: Kick-Boxing Editor
Danielle Amatyakul: Mud Wrestling Editor
Dani Thompson: Footy Editor

A couple of the girls (Joanna & Nikki) have slightly controversial titles, so we'll e-mail them before we put anything in print (or should I say, in Blog). 
I get an e-mail from Ian our web programmer and he says the Blogs templates are nearly ready. By next week our new bloggers will be able to start writing in preparation for the launch!!!...

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